Friday, July 4, 2008

Importance of Effective Communication!!!

Communication involves the ability to:-
............................>persuade &
Effective Communication :>It is important in our daily lives and it has to be treated with utmost care and conscious effort 'when it comes to International relationship Building Initiative'.At a natural pace, we can take three[3]steps to manage or ensure effective communication takes place as intended:-
[a]Observing behaviours of others
[b]observing your own behavior
[c]Adapting your behavior according to 'how you read-another person's behavior'!

Communication Breakdowns:>
*speech /Hearing dactors:-many examples of misunderstanding,
*Non-co operation
*Criticism &
*other forms of conflicts between persons or Parties can lead to communication problems.

Message Descrepancy:>means 'the message sent and the message received differ in meaning.The difficulty may be with the sender of mesage or the receiver as well.
Caution:-Avoid ambiuguous statements.
Caution:-Avoid 'pu-down statements'.
Caution:-Select words,phrases 'the receiver can understand'.Display successful experinces.Discussing on unsuccessful experineces /or experimentations may have negative impacts.
Caution:-Avoid 'unusual Expectations.Somttimes, expectations can create major problems between the sender and receiver.An expectation means 'thinking that something will occur'.An expectation can cause the receiver to 'read into'a message something 'that the sender did not intend'.
Caution:-Ask for clarification:-rather than risk a misunderstanding.

Note:>When there is a real communication, you will be able to detect it>because specific actions invariably follow.

Note:>on 'RISK':-Successful Risk takers are always attempting to limit the RISK.
Note:>on 'Problem solving':-While you attempt,exercise and devote your time, money and energy on solving problems on daily basis, thinking through problems may become a 'work habit' and you will enjoy this.

Laxmidhar N Bhola
Mumbai, dated 5th July 2008

Thursday, July 3, 2008

TRUST-it's relevance in International Business

Trade & Commerce are the means that forged intense co operation among all countries of the world.As the Trade/Commerce evolved into integrated businesses, MNCs became the byproduct.As the dealings acquired sophistication in terms of Business Volume and Trade Disputes, international organisations were created to address the grivances.

But Business is Business!Whether you handle it localy or internationally, Trust based business approach reduces lot more uncertainty.Both the parties save a lot in terms of Insurance premiyms and bank charges & of course litigation charges as well.

In a Trust based relationship, one has to realise 'INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS is a game of patience.It takes time to establish that kind of relationship-where both the parties are comfortable to share their relationships to discuss give & take of merchandises and business partnering in an integrated manner.Once TRUST is established, parties express as if 'they are local partners'>and all barriers fall, though one has to be carefull about Geopolitics and international Logistics and Law of Land to ensure protection and business commitment move with proper pace.

TRUST:>either it's 100% or no trust at all.Like a woman can say-she is either pregnant or not at all'>she can not say-i am 50% pregnant , but 50% not sure!Anyone who is dedicated in 'in human aspect of all businesses' >be it local or international, can tell you, Trust works better for all kind of businesses.

By the advent of IT and IT enabled communication interface, we are loaded with information every moment.So the sophistication in local or international business has been increased manifold.The question is 'how to determine-authenticity /or specificity of a particular business dialogue or a discussion-led inference to arrive at a final decision.Thereby 'the responsibility has been increased' tremendously.One has to update-network and go on hammering the deal formats at a regular pace to see breakthrougs in international business deals.Otherwise-it is difficult to determine 'which one is REAL deal and which one is spam type'!

Feedbacks are higly solicited.

With warm Regards
Laxmidhar N Bhola